Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Down in the forest something stirred
So faint that I scarcely heard,
But the forest leapt at the sound,
Like a good ship homeward bound.
Down in the forest something stirred,
It was only the song of a bird. (from verses by Harold Simpson)


The Irish poet John O’Donohue in his book “Anam Cara” tells a fascinating story of a journalist friend who arranged to interview an old Native American chief.

When they met, the old man said he would like the two of them to have some time together before the interview proper. The journalist had assumed that they would have an informal chat, and so he was rather taken aback when the chief looked directly at him, and sat for a very long time in complete silence with his eyes holding the other’s eyes. The journalist said that at first he was terrified, but gradually he responded by gazing deeply into the old man’s eyes. And so they sat, without a word being spoken, for more than two hours!

He told O’Donhue that he soon felt that there was no need for an interview. It seemed to him that they had known each other all their lives.

A strange incident indeed. Is there a lesson here?


Glory is like a circle in the water,
Which never ceaseth to enlarge itself,
Till by broad spreading it disperses to nought. (William Shakespeare)


This is a slide show of 20 paintings by Renoir. The music is “La vie en rose” and the trumpet playing sounds very much like Eddie Calvert.


This week’s Scottish Tale from the Other World is “The Fisherman and the Fairy Cap” and will be posted on Friday,


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