The Selfsame Song
A bird sings the selfsame song,
With never a fault in its flow,
That we listened to here those long
Long years ago.
A pleasing marvel is how
A strain of such rapturous rote
Should have gone on thus till now
Unchanged in a note!
But it’s not the selfsame bird.
No, perished to dust is he. . . .
As also are those who heard
That song with me. (Thomas Hardy)

A Bouquet of Flowers by William Arthur Breakspeare
In this video Francesco Libetta plays the Pizzicato Polka (Sylvia) by Leo Délibes.
Notice how he plays much of the main theme with one finger!

Norman the Nerd says, “Hallo again! Did you know that 21.4 million new websites were added during 2010?”
The new blog COME SURF THE NET beginning on 26th March looks at just a few of the many interesting and fascinating sites. The address is - http://comesurfthenet.blogspot.com
Thanks to http://www.graphicshunt.com for the cartoon image
The Selfsame Song
A bird sings the selfsame song,
With never a fault in its flow,
That we listened to here those long
Long years ago.
A pleasing marvel is how
A strain of such rapturous rote
Should have gone on thus till now
Unchanged in a note!
But it’s not the selfsame bird.
No, perished to dust is he. . . .
As also are those who heard
That song with me. (Thomas Hardy)

A Bouquet of Flowers by William Arthur Breakspeare
In this video Francesco Libetta plays the Pizzicato Polka (Sylvia) by Leo Délibes.
Notice how he plays much of the main theme with one finger!

Norman the Nerd says, “Hallo again! Did you know that 21.4 million new websites were added during 2010?”
The new blog COME SURF THE NET beginning on 26th March looks at just a few of the many interesting and fascinating sites. The address is - http://comesurfthenet.blogspot.com
Thanks to http://www.graphicshunt.com for the cartoon image
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